Cirrhosis is characterized by permanent liver scarring, which can be fatal. In an advanced stage, the liver may be destroyed to the point where it is replaced with scar (dead) tissue. Cirrhosis is caused by long-term liver damage caused by alcohol, viral infection (Hepatitis B and C), a toxic substance (for example, drugs, excess copper or iron in the liver), or biliary system blockage, in which the liver undergoes progressive scarring that gradually replaces all normal liver cells.
If liver cirrhosis symptoms are not identified or treated promptly, cirrhosis develops, and it is typically too late to reverse the disease’s progression.
Cord blood stem cells are extracted and collected from the baby’s umbilical cord . These stem cells can transform into any type of cell, meaning they can develop into hepatocyte-like cells, which are the functional building blocks of the liver. They will be able to rebuild damaged liver tissue, enhance liver function, and reduce the symptoms of liver cirrhosis.
Read Source: https://bit.ly/3CjMlN2
If liver cirrhosis symptoms are not identified or treated promptly, cirrhosis develops, and it is typically too late to reverse the disease’s progression.
Potential of Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cells are unique cells that can self-renew and differentiate into many specialized cell types. They have a remarkable capacity to repair and regenerate damaged tissues, making them an appealing choice for treating liver cirrhosis. Adult stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and cord blood stem cells are among the stem cell sources being investigated by researchers for therapeutic applications. Stem Cell Therapy helps us imagine a reality where patients are not faced with the possibility of a liver transplant as the sole option.Cord blood stem cells are extracted and collected from the baby’s umbilical cord . These stem cells can transform into any type of cell, meaning they can develop into hepatocyte-like cells, which are the functional building blocks of the liver. They will be able to rebuild damaged liver tissue, enhance liver function, and reduce the symptoms of liver cirrhosis.
Read Source: https://bit.ly/3CjMlN2