Tips to control thyroid during pregnancy



A healthy thyroid is crucial during pregnancy because thyroid hormones are crucial for the baby’s growth and cognitive development. Here are some pregnancy tips for maintaining healthy thyroid when pregnant.
  • Periodic Thyroid Evaluation
It’s essential to have your thyroid hormone levels (TSH, T3, and T4) checked frequently throughout your pregnancy, especially if you have a history of thyroid problems or are worried about your thyroid function. Your doctor will change your medication to maintain the recommended levels if required.
  • Medications
There are several approved medications for the thyroid to treat hyperthyroidism during pregnancy. It is a synthetic thyroid hormone similar to the T4 produced by the thyroid gland. It is safe for the fetus’s health if the mother suffers from thyroid issues, and the doctor can increase or decrease the medication dose as per your body’s requirement.
  • Exercise daily
Ensure that exercise is part of your regular schedule. You should incorporate a minimum of 30 minutes of walking. If possible, go for more pregnancy exercises like little stretching, and your body is up for it. Leg lunges, squats, one-leg lifts, bhujangasana, and setu bandhasana, are some exercises and yoga poses best for thyroid issues.
  • Balanced diet
Coconut oil can help to decrease thyroid levels, and primrose oil can assist in improving hypothyroidism. If you have high thyroid levels, avoid broccoli and cabbage. Moreover, eggs, carrots, wheat food items, herbal tea, cod liver oil, apple cider vinegar, and almonds for maintaining thyroid during pregnancy.

It is advisable to go for prenatal check ups from time to time and follow the advice of healthcare professionals. It will help the levels of the thyroid to come under control.

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