ITIL 4 Foundation exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions



ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Dumps The ITIL 4 Foundation exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions that must be completed in one hour, excluding language. Currently, the exam is only available in English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. Candidates whose one of the above languages is not their native or working language will be given an additional 15 minutes to take the test. Out of 40 questions, candidates must answer 26 correctly to pass. This is a closed exam and no tools or study materials are allowed in the test. WHAT TOPICS ITIL 4 candidates SHOULD KNOW? To have the best chance of passing the ITIL 4 Foundation exam, candidates need to have a clear understanding of the following five key areas: ITIL 4 Exam Topics ITIL PRACTICE This area makes up a large portion of the exam. So, for example, you will need a good understanding of Service Desk practices, the different types of change in change management, and the three phases of issue management, and more. Altogether, there are 34 methods established by ITIL and these are defined as organizational resources that help in ITIL-4-Foundation Dumps performing IT services and tasks or help in achieving IT goals. These 34 practice exercises are divided into the following three categories: 14 general management practices 17 service management practices 3 engineering management practices To pass the ITIL Foundation exam, candidates do not need to know all 34 exercises. Rather, there will be questions pertaining to the following 15 ITIL practices: Informational Security Management Relationship Management Supplier Management IT Asset Management Monitoring and Event Management Release Management Service.

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